Stereo PIV

30deg swirler/30/40/50/100mm downstream
of the swirler - average velocity- processed

30deg swirler/30/40/50/100mm downstream of
the swirler -instanteneous vorticity:

30deg swirler/30/40/50/100mm downstream of
the swirler -meanvorticity

48deg swirler/30/40/50/100mm downstream of
the swirler - average vel

48deg swirler/30/40/50/100mmdownstream of
the swirler - instantaneous vorticity

48deg swirler/30/40/50/100mm downstream
of the swirler - meanvorticity - 0.1bar:

2d vorticity contour plot

Experimental setup - autocad diagrams:

Experimental setup - photos

axial velocity contour plot /30degree
swirler + 48 deg swirler/0.1bar:

highly unseady /2cpiv technique

highly 3dimensional / highly unsteady/ 3c piv technique:

highly three dimensional / highly unsteady flow
/ 3d / 30mm and 100 mm downstream of the swirler

axial velocity contour plot - strouhal number = 0.215:

3d mean velocity/strouhal number 0.268/ 50deg swirler

3d mean velocity/strouhal number 0.36/ 50deg swirler:

2d instantvort/strouhal number 0.268/ 50deg swirler

2d instantvort strouhal number 0.36 - 50deg swirler:

proceeding Vortex core - 50 deg swiler -
perforated smooth expansion/55mm

PVC - 50 deg swirler -
unperforated sudden expansion/55mm :

proceeding Vortex core - 50 deg swiler - 0.1bar
- unperforated smooth expansion/70mm

proceeding Vortex core - 50 deg swiler -
0.1bar - unperforated smooth expansion/70mm:

proceeding Vortex core - 48 deg swiler -
/0.1bar/100mm downstream

50deg swiler with flare geometry - 0.1bar:

flow visualization

flow visualization 2 :

gel combustor1

gel combustor2 :


proceeding Vortex core - 30 deg swiler -
0.1bar/200mm downstream :




PIV Challenges

PIV Challenges

PivNet 2

PivNet 2 - A European collaboration on Particle Image Velocimetry

Resoures for Fluid dynamics

Resoures for Fluid dynamics

CFD Online Resoure

CFD Online Resoure